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Mesoamerican Book of Mormon Lands Tour... Loveland Travel Club Welcomes All


  • Day 1: Fly into the City of Eternal Spring, Guatemala City and check into our first-class deluxe hotel. Transfer included.

  • Day 2: National Museum of Archaeology of Guatemala and the Archaeological zone of Kaminaljuyu.

  • Day 3: Fly to the incredible Maya archaeological zone of Tikal, which was occupied from 600 BC to AD 750. In the late afternoon, we will fly back to Guatemala City.

  • Day 4: Coach to Antigua and visit jade factory, then on to Lake Atitlan and the village of Panajachel.

  • Day 5: Cruise beautiful Lake Atitlan, flanked by three volcanoes, and see where an ancient city sank beneath the water. Visit museum after lunch. Evening fireside.

  • Day 6: Coach through wilderness and valley to Quetzaltenango. Check into hotel and visit city square.

  • Day 7: Visit the village of Almolonga, see temple and travel down to the Pacific coast where we visit the archaeological site of Izapa and the "Tree of Life Stone". Check into hotel at Tapachula.

  • Day 8: Coach along the Pacific coast to the Chiapas valley and check into hotel in Tuxtla Gutierrez.

  • Day 9: Attend local church services and see the temple. Visit Regional Museum of Tuxtla Gutierrez. Enjoy free time.

  • Day 10: Visit archaeological zone of Chiapa de Corzo, then ride a river boat on the Grijalva River through the majestic Sumidero Canyon with it's 3000 foot towering walls. Coach to Villahermosa, check into hotel.

  • Day 11: Today we get to explore the Classic Mayan ruins of Palenque and visit the Temple of the Cross. Coach back to Villahermosa.

  • Day 12: Visit La Venta Museum with it's large engraved stone monuments. Visit the Villahermosa Temple, then coach along Mexico's "golden lane" and on to the Hill Shim and lovely Lake Catemaco to check into our hotel.

  • Day 13: Today we visit the Hill Ramah/Cumorah, then travel through the Waters of Ripliancum area. Finally coach to Veracruz, see the temple and check into our hotel.

  • Day 14: Today we fly to Mexico City and visit the ancient ruins of Teotihuacan, the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon. Return to Mexico City and visit the Shrine of Guadalupe.

  • Day 15: Today we visit the world renowned National Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology. After lunch, we visit the National Palace, the National Cathedral, the remains of an Aztec temple and the Mexico City Temple.

  • Day 16: Transfer to the Mexico City airport and check in for our return home flights. What memories we have to take home with us!!

  • If you love Mesoamerican ruins and sacred sites, this Hallmark tour is a must!! We will visit fifteen archaeological sites and museums, UNESCO World Heritage sites including Tikal, Palenque and Teotihuacan, six modern LDS temples and twenty three Book of Mormon locations.

    We will experience an amazing variety of Mesoamerican sights and cultures as we travel cities and villages, lush jungles and rugged mountains, coastal regions and waterways, tropical lowlands and rain forests.

  • Expert bi-lingual guides will escort us to intriguing hidden gems as well as magnificent famous sites of the Olmec, Maya, Zapotec, Teotihuacano and Aztec Civilizations, in Guatemala, Chiapas, Puebla, Veracruz and Southern Mexico.

    We will enjoy all this Mesoamerican beauty and ruggedness as we travel in the comfort of luxury air conditioned coaches and stay at 5 Star hotels. We expect wonderful weather; the average high temperatures for these areas in February are in the 70s.

  • The rate for this phenomenal tour is $3,195. plus airfare, per person double occupancy, payable by check. With your $500 per person deposit, you will receive an "Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon" book and map to give you a preview of your tour.

    This rate includes fifteen nights hotel accommodations, 2-3 meals daily except first and last flight days, first-class coach transportation, entrance fees and guide service to sites listed on the itinerary, taxes and tips on group items and professional tour director service.

    Contact Leslie Dalton, Lotus Travel Deals, your Loveland Travel Professional, to reserve your place on this remarkable Mesoamerican tour and to purchase your travel insurance. Making memories to last a lifetime! Shorter options available.

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When you submit your contact information, you will be contacted to answer any questions you may still have and provided with whatever additional information you may need about the tour. All of your information will be treated as confidential and I will never share nor publish your email or phone number.   Thanks, Leslie

Contact Lotus Travel Deals

350 Gypsum Court
Loveland, CO. 80537
Leslie Dalton

Tikal Mesoamerican Tour

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